Oct 7, 2023Liked by EA Lifestyles

Thank you for this, very handy to know what I’m getting into with the book

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"And then he included a quote from Will that completely blew my mind:

“The demographics of who this appeals to are the demographics of a physics PhD program,” he said. “The levels of autism ten times the average. Lots of people on the spectrum.”


Why does this blow your mind? You've been around EA a while - I'm surprised you're surprised? Or did it blow your mind that Will said it? I think it's pretty plain to anyone heavily involved in EA that this is the case, and we even have hard data if that's the thing you're worried about (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/GWBsDeQTjFM8YXtrv/2021-ea-mental-health-survey-results?commentId=XQSiuNuiti9BLpmrR), although I'm still not clear what the issue is either way.

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Some of this makes my skin crawl enough to finally jot down this long overdo rant https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/kq8CZzcPKQtCzbGxg/quinn-s-shortform?commentId=eExTPyKGamWWMikrz

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